The Link Case Management Way
The client is at the centre of all Link CM Ltd’s processes. We listen, understand and empathise with our clients. We not only offer practical input, but also emotional support and an always sympathetic ear. We are approachable and patient, building on friendly, reliable, transparent and supportive professional relationships.
We advocate for our clients in multiple scenarios, facing these with confidence, evidence-based knowledge and a non-judgmental approach.
We have the utmost respect for our clients, Case Managers, Support Workers and referrers, which leads to positive communication and enables all parties to work together towards a mutually desired outcome.
We are fully committed to delivering the best possible service. We will always go that extra mile to ensure complete satisfaction in the service we provide.

We do not wait for things to happen; we will always work proactively to provide solutions and to remain compliant and provide the best service for our clients. Each client’s unique situation is considered within the framework of best practice and affordability. We are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
We act with professionalism in all circumstances, drawing on our extensive knowledge, experience and skills. All staff are accountable for the flexible, streamlined and effective service we provide, from injury to recovery and beyond.
We promote a culture where every employee, client and their representatives are treated with respect and dignity and are listened to. Consent remains at the heart of all our interactions and recommendations.
We always remain open and transparent through everything we do, with thorough documentation evidencing practice and decision-making. This helps generate peace of mind and confidence in our ability to provide a positive outcome and prevents repetition.